Jumat, 09 September 2011

My Idol♥ #descriptive text

I’m sure that you have an Idol, right? Yap! Everyone have an idol in their life. Their idol are depend on their hobby, interest, and dream. For example, you want to be a singer, so you like Taylor Swift or Justin Bieber and so on. Me too! I am also have an idol, he is my hero, my inspiration, and also my teacher J who is he? He is my beloved dad, his name is Drs. H. M. Djohar M.Pd. Now, I would like to tell you about him. He was born on 28th of August 1962, it’s on his ID card. But, the fact is.. he was born on 28th of December 1962.
He has dark skin, pointed nose, short straight hair and also handsome face :p. Why I can say he is handsome? Because, my mother said that my dad is really handsome, although my dad has dark skin.. but my mom still love him lol :p
My dad, or we can call him Mr. Djohar is orator. He teach me how to speech in front of people on the stage. He make me know, how to be a good junior orator. And he is a wise person. I really love him.
He is a principal in 2 JHS Sumbang. Before he became a principal, he is English and Islamic Religion teacher. That’s why, I can ask him about my English homework or Islamic Religion lesson. But, he is not only could English and Islamic Religion, he also can teach me how to be a poemer (?) I don’t know what is ‘penyair’ in English hehehe.. But, I love him because he can make me understand what is life and the function.
Just one simple and short sentence from me for him.. “DADDY! I AM YOUR BIGGEST FANS!”

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